… I recently have seen a lot of discussions on Facebook  between several artists, all commenting on how much they love starting with a blank canvas,  as it opens the possibilities to anything… however true that is… for me starting is probably the single most difficult thing of making a painting… I can stare for hours at a blank canvas… sometimes days or weeks…  I remember once it actually took me over a month to get started on a painting.. (that and a few bottles of wine…lol)  for me starting a painting is like a surfer waiting for “that” perfect wave… trying to figure out,  which one is the  perfect ride….where is the best line….which one makes my board fly…..

…. for me the same applies to starting on a blank canvas…. staring, looking at the gesso tracks, the bend of the canvas, the light reflection, imagining the story, thinking of color….. picking the best line… and then moving forward to enjoy the  ride….  heres, my brush.. there goes the paint… we are off……so heres to hoping that your catching the best possible wave….

Here is my latest painting.. it is oil, 40 x 40, it is titled “Fluidity”

hope you all enjoy… I’ll have another one out shortly


