Hey Everyone;

Happy Memorial Day weekend.  Hope you are all well.. can’t believe that we are already at the start of summer.. We are busy loading up the studio with new works…Here is my latest creation.. it is 40 x40, oil stick, oil, silver leaf on handstrectched canvas… it is titled ” Re-Engagement”.  None of us get through life without enduring some sort of set back.  it’s inevitable that we have them… the question is how do we handle it?.. I am a firm believer that it’s all about the re-engagement and moving forward… some of my greatest successes have come after some sort of set back.  Whether its personal, professional or even social, the only way to overcome is to re- engage.   Stand up and move forward.  Not always the easiest, but always the most fruitful.  Here’s hoping that if you have a set back you can re-engage and move into your own successful realm.  Hope you all enjoy…I’ll have another piece out shortly… take care


